Guidelines for Paper Preparation
Deadline for Paper Submission – 1 March 2018
Dear colleagues,
We kindly ask you to pay special attention to the requirements of the publishing house for the publication of papers. The text provided by the authors must be made in good literary English, with using the terminology that has developed in the industry. In this regard, Organizing Committee strongly recommends to contact professional translators in your country.
GENERAL INFORMATION We kindly request the authors to prepare manuscripts according to these guidelines. To ensure successful publication, the author should meet all deadlines for submission of the manuscript.
The author’s responsibilities are permissions for publishing all types of materials owned by others, or materials which are copyrighted and accuracy of the information contained in the paper (e.g. proper names of organization, dates and findings, references etc.). Manuscript should be prepared in good English.SI units must be used throughout.
Please name your paper as the surname of the first listed author and you reference number, eg Smith_435.
The manuscript must be in one of the major word – processing programs, preferably Microsoft Word. The length of the manuscript should not exceed 10 pages, including text, figures, tables, references etc. Electronic file should not exceed 3 megabytes. Please set 3,20 cm marginsfor right and left sides, top margin should be 2,90 cm, bottom margin should be 2,80 cm. Use 1,5 line spacing throughout the paper.Don’t add page numbers to the document.
The manuscript should have the following structure:
- Title;
- Information about the authors;
- Abstract;
- Keywords (5 – 10 keywords);
- Main text (Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and discussion, Engineering design, Operating results, Conclusions, etc.).
- Acknowledgements
- References
TITLE For the title of the paper use Times New Roman, 10 – point type, centered with all letters in capital, bold, the title begins immediately below the top margin, not indented.
INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHORS It should include authors names (not indented, separated from the title by a single blank line (10 points), centered, 10point type Times New Roman, bold); the authors affiliations and address (immediately below the names, not indented, italic, single – spaced, 10 point type Times New Roman, left alignment). The person of corresponding author should be defined with help of asterisk (*) and e-mail address (after the address).
HEADING ABSTRACT is separated from the authors information by a single blank line (10 points), centered, Times New Roman,10 – point size , bold, all letters are capital. The body of abstractshould not exceed 300 words in length, 10 point Times New Roman, fully justified, separated from the heading ABSTRACT by single blank line (10 points) and indented 1,25 cm. The abstract is a single paragraph.
HEADING KEYWORDS centered with all letters capitalized, in bold Times New, separated from the last line of the abstract by single blank line (10 points). The number of keywords not exceed 10 words,10 pointTimes New Roman, left justified, not indented, separated by comas and separated from the heading KEYWORDS by single blank line (10 points).
TEXT The body of main text separated from the last line of keywords by the single blank line (10 points), use Times New Roman, 10 – point type, 1,5 line spacing, fully justified alignment for all text body. In paragraphs use the first line indent of 1,25 cm. Paragraphs are separated with a blank line (10 points).
HEADINGS All major heading (mentioned in the manuscript structure) is centered, bold-faced, not underlined, 10 – point size, Times New Roman, with all letters capitalized. Subsequent major heading are separated from the text above and below them by single blank line (10 points).
Second – level and third – level headings have the initial letter of each major word capitalized, 10 point Times New Romanand are positioned at the left margin. Second level headings are bold – faced. Third level headings are underlined. Both of them are separated from the text above and below by single blank line (10 points) and not indented.
EQUATIONS AND SYMBOLS Simple mathematical expressions and sub – and super – scripted characters are inserted in the text. Please don’t embed equations as an image.
Equations are placed on separate lines, centered and numbered consecutively in parentheses at the right – hand margin. A blank line (10 points) precedes and follows each equation. For reactions, preferably use the Times New Roman arrow, but an equal sign may be substituted. Use a dash rather than a hyphen for the minus sign.
The nomenclature units for symbols must be defined in the text or, where the number of symbols is large, in special section, NOMENCLATURE, at the end of the paper.
FIGURES All figures should be high resolution (300 dpi) when published at 100 %. Figures including graphs, line drawings and photographs and other illustrations are preferably in colors. Any greyscale figures require sharp contrast. For all figures, lines and lettering must be large enough thickness to remain clearly legible when printed at 100%. Don’t use frames around figures. Don’t use shaded background as they do not reproduce well.
All figures must be consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals and inserted as close as possible to the corresponding text. A caption consisting of the word “Figure”, the figure number, a dash and the figure title, in 10 point Times New Roman, centered, not indented.Separate each figure and caption from the text with one blank line (10 points).
TABLES Insert tables as close as possible to their first citation. In the text, refer to the table by its number, not its relative position. Number tables consecutively using Arabic numerals and center the titleabove the table, not indented. The word “Table” is followed by the table number, a dash, and the rest of the title. There is no line space between the title and the table itself.
Table – wide lines separate the title from the column headings, the column headings from the body of the table, and the table from the text. Avoid of using vertical lines and avoid the use of horizontal lines between the various rows of data. Table row spacing is at the discretion of the authors. Separate each table from the adjacent text with single blank line (10 points).
REFERENCES Citations may be made directly (or parenthetically). References should be arranged chronologically. More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, etc., placed after the year of publication. Groups of references should be listed first alphabetically, then chronologically. Examples: «as demonstrated (Allan, 2000a, 2000b, 1999; Allan and Jones, 1999). Kramer et al. (2010) have recently shown …»
All citations in the text should refer to:
- Single author: the author’s name (without initials, unless there is ambiguity) and the year of publication;
- Two authors: both author’s names and the year of publication;
- Three or more authors: first author’s name followed by ‘et al.’ and the year of publication (see an example below).
Individuals can be authors of no more than 3 manuscripts.
Each author can make only 1 report.
Manuscripts are not edited by representatives of the Organizing Committee and the Technical Organizer. All responsibility for the accuracy and correctness of information contained in manuscript rests with authors.
Dear colleagues!
Only those candidates who will present a review of the scientific supervisor confirming the status of the Young Scientist and his contribution to the research will be allowed to participate in the contest of Young Scientists.
- Make sure that your manuscript matches all of the requirements.
- Login to your personal account. If you are not registered, register first. Registration may be done online at
- Press «Paper submission» button in your personal account.
- To upload manuscript please use internet-browser with version 2010 year or later.
- Choose a topic.
- Choose a type.
- Add a manuscript title.
- Add authors.
- Upload manuscript file.
- Indicate the number of your Abstract in the “Comments” section.
- Click the button “Done”.