Abstract Submission
Organizing Committee of the XXIX International Mineral Processing Congress decided to extend abstract submission deadline until October 15, 2017!
Start of Abstract Submission: 01.03.2017
Deadline of abstract submission: 15.10.2017
The abstracts must include these details: title, objective of the paper, results and its contribution to the development of mineral processing. The title should include the full contact information of each author. Once the abstract is accepted, its author must submit the full version of the paper by March 1, 2018. Author pre-registration by the deadline is a pre-requisite. Accepted papers will only be included in the final program and published if at least one author is registered and paid a registration fee by May 15, 2018.
Registration may be done online at cabinet.impc2018.com.
- Abstracts must be submitted only by personal account. Abstracts submitted via email will not be accepted.
- The corresponding author is responsible for informing other authors about the status of the abstract. Corresponding author will receive all future correspondence regarding the status of the abstract.
- Should you wish to make corrections to an abstract already submitted please contact . Corrections to abstracts can only be made until October 15, 2017.
- Only abstracts of authors who have paid their registration fees will be scheduled and included in the Abstract Book.
- All the materials should be presented as DOC /DOCX file.
- Submission of abstracts and papers should be done in English only.
- Abstract should contain no more than 300 – 350 words.
- Font: Times New Roman, size:12
- Line spacing: 1.0
- Left field: 2 cm, right field: 2 cm, top and bottom fields: 2 cm, max. pages: 1
- All abbreviations used must be defined the first time they appear.
- It is obligatorily to specify:
– Abstract title (bold, big letters, centered)
– Authors names (bold, centered)
– Organization/institution name, address and index (italics, centered)
– Abstracts should include: title, objective of the paper, results and its contribution to the development of mineral processing
– Email of corresponding author must be indicated
- Keywords: authors are asked to enter keywords in the abstract to better define the abstract content.
- Make sure that your abstract matches all of the requirements.
- Login to your personal account. If you are not registered, register first. Registration may be done online at cabinet.impc2018.com.
- Press «Abstract submission» button in your personal account.
- To upload abstract please use internet-browser with version 2010 year or later.
- Choose a topic.
- Choose a type.
- Add an abstract title.
- Add authors.
- Upload abstract file.
- Click the button “Done”.
Abstracts are not edited by representatives of the Organizing Committee and the Technical Secretariat. The reliability of the information contained there is not checked before publication. All responsibility for the accuracy and correctness of information contained in abstract rests with authors.
If you have difficulties with abstract submission please contact Congress Operator of the IMPC 2018: