Начало онлайн регистрации: 01.01.2017

Начало подачи тезисов: 01.03.2017

Окончание приема тезисов: 15.10.2017

Экспертиза тезисов:01.12.2017

Окончание приема статей: 01.03.2018

Экспертиза статей: 01.05.2018


  • Труды конгресса IMPC 2018 проиндексированы в Scopus!

The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

ЮАР, г. Йоха́ннесбург


The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source news and views about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors as well as embracing a professional code of ethics. The SAIMM also attempts to fulfill what it sees as its obligations to the various communities and the environment in terms of the SAIMM’s Charter. In addition, the institute is active in bringing together the mining and metallurgical fraternity.